Let’s normalize aging and admit it can be challenging.

How do I stop from getting wrinkles?” “Wow, age hasn’t been kind to her.” “She must have been pretty when she was young.” “Am I looking old?”

Just a few things we say to ourselves and about other women. Our society is all about anti-aging. Aging is bad!

Well, aging is a natural process and many do not get the opportunity. Aging isn’t easy when you live in society that celebrates youth and ignores its elders.

As women we have so much pressure on how we look, how we are suppose to act, live, work, and my goodness don’t get old! And, if you start getting old let’s not talk about it. Women’s health is something our society is so uncomfortable discussing.

Peri- menopause and menopause can be a very difficult time for women. It affects our brains, bodies, relationships, and even our livelyhoods. Women have been suffering with the change in silence, made to feel bad for not being ok, and even thought of as “nuts” because of how they are feeling. We are dismissed by doctors and sometimes loved ones.


Be your own health advocate!


Embarrassed to talk about peri/menopause?