What does it mean to “Age with Confidence” for you?
My story started out last year Jan 2021. I was working on a big project and I had severe brain fog, anxiety, weight gain, and many tears. After many months of feeling absolutely terrible and a lot of scouring the internet I found a peri/menopause specialist and my journey to feeling like myself began.
Our society deems “aging” as a weakness and especially for women. We are told you may have some hot flashes, and your periods will stop. Well, if you are of a certain age, you know that is absolutely untrue for most women.
So, for me “Aging with Confidence” means knowledge. Sharing my journey with other women and opening this ever taboo topic of peri/menopause up for discussion with other women has been a healing experience. It’s amazing the strength and information I have found from the women from my Instagram community.
I hope you join us on Instagram and get ready for some fun and informative discussions when our podcast launches this spring.
In the meantime, sending all of you ladies many hugs!